This course is designed to equip the beginning learner of Japanese enough to communicate in simple and appropriate Japanese, as well as enough knowledge of the language to continue language studies to a higher proficiency. It is designed to equip the trainees with language proficiency equivalent to Level 5 of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).
Course Content
• Introduction to Origin of Japanese Language & History, Introduction to Japanese Culture & Cuisines.
• Hiragana script & day to day words (Romaji) used in Japanese Language
• Completion of Hiragana and introduction to Katakana scripting (used for foreign language words)
• Introduction to Grammar based on Japanese Language Tutorials & JLPT reviewers TEXTBOOK and grammar patterns (bunpou)
• Simultaneously, Kanji script is introduced with a e-book on Kanji which covers N5 syllabus.
• Special tricks and tips are introduced on every level for easy of learning.
• Listening (Chokai) - Listening is also one of the key areas which they need to master in order to clear JLPT N5. We pay special attention on listening practice by making student solve problems from listening e-book that we provide. As for JLPT you need to clear cut off in each of the sections (Grammar, Vocab, Listening) in order to clear exam so focusing on all aspect of language is the key to success.
Books & Study Material
Japanese Language Tutorials & JLPT reviewers Textbook for JLPT N5
Extra Material:
1. Kanji e-book which includes practice exercises
2. Practice sheets for Hiragana and Katakana scripting
3. Listening e-book for JLPT N5
4. Regular test papers throughout course